
title is actually a far cleverer encapsulation of lots of points in
the story than might at first seem apparent. As far as I'm concerned,
there are at least three elements at work here: 1. A pun on the fact
that dead members of 'The Beatles' appear in the strip (obviously).
2. A pun on the idea of the beetle as symbol of death and resurrection,
mirroring the loss of John a' Dreams and the introduction of Dane to
the Invisible cell - note that the thing Elfayed shows King Mob is a
'mummified scarab' - i.e. a dead beetle. 3. A pun on the slang expression
'deadbeat'. It may be entirely British slang, I'm not sure, but it basically
refers to a person who's a 'good for nothing', a 'layabout', a 'bum'.
Dane would seem ,to the outside world in general and to those at Harmony
House in particular, to be just such a figure, and it may be interesting
in this connection that his predecessor in the cell took the name of
'a stupid, dreamy fellow'. Malcolm refers to Dane's classmates as 'deadweights'
on page eight, panel six, which is very nearly the same expression and
with the same meaning. [LR]

o [page 1] According to 1.17 page 9, this scene occurs
in September, 1994. [RL] [panel 1] Giza. The pyramids dedicated to Keop,
Kefren and Micerino. [PV] [panel 2] The bald one is King Mob. [JdL]
"Khephra": Khepra Ra, the god of the sun [and] Creator of the universe,
was symbolized by the head of the scarab and was called Khepera, which
signified the resurrection of the soul and a new life at the end of
the mortal span. [From "The Secret Teachings of All Ages" by Manly P.
Hall] [MST] [panel 5] "Scarab": The [symbolic figure of the] Egyptian
scarab [...] was evolved by the erudition of the priestcraft from a
simple insect which, because of its peculiar habits and appearance,
properly symbolized the strength of the body, the resurrection of the
soul, and the Eternal and Incomprehensible Creator in His aspect as
Lord of the Sun. [...] Initiates of the Egyptian Mysteries were sometimes
called scarabs [...] The scarab was the emmisary of the sun, symbolizing
light, truth, and regeneration. Stone scarabs called heart scarabs,
about three inches long, were placed in the heart cavity of the dead
[...] [From the Egyptian book of initiations, the Book of the Dead:]
"And behold, thou shalt make a scarab out of green stone..."[From The
Secret Teachings of All Ages"] [MST]

o [page 2] This, in all his splendor, is Dane MacGowan.
The name is an obvious play on real-life Irish barfly bard Shane MacGowan,
former vocalist for the Pogues (short for "pogue mahone," Gaelic for
"kiss my ass") and now "leader" of the Popes. [JdL/JB] I can't remember
where I read it, but Dane's stance here supposedly evokes Situationist
propoganda - certainly, there are many Situationist posters featuring
people preparing to throw molotov cocktails at shops and the like. [LR]

o [page 4] [panel 1] The Carlsberg reference on Dane's
'T' is because it is a soccer top, and the team, Liverpool, are thusly
sponsored... [??] Gaz (Gary), Dane and Billy. Billy will reappear in
1.21. [RM] [panel 4] Under the King Mob tag, you can read "G.M." [for
Grant Morrison?]. [PV] See the short essay Historical Origin of the
Name "King Mob". Another graffiti: "Everton": the second 1st division
football club from Liverpool. [RL] Liverpool and Everton (barely) are
in the Premier League (our top division). There is no working class
divide between the teams, with many families being divided. Both clubs
came from the same church team. If there is any divide in Liverpool
it is a religious one (catholic and protestant) but the clubs seem to
have avoided that. [ADE] There IS an area of Liverpool called Croxteth,
it may be adjacent to Toxteth which was renowned for its riots in the
early 80s. "Crocky" is possibly a bit posher. [ADE] Dane yells "We are
the Boys! We are the Boys!" This would seem to be inspired by the "We
are the Mods! We are the Mods!" gang chant from The Who's film, "Quadrophenia."

o [page 5] [panels 2-3] If you have read Morrison's "Dan
Dare" comics, you will recall a similar such ending; that is, Dan Dare
nuked London with a fusion bomb to thwart the advent of a Cthulhu-like
creature from taking over. [Geoff Garvoille?]

o [page 6] [panel 1] Eiffel Tower, Paris. The old woman
is Lady Edith Manning. KM met her in the past, maybe during one of his
time travel. More about their first encounter in 1.18 and 2.8-2.10 [PV]
In King Mob's personal timeline, his 1924 encounter with Edith has not
yet occured. [BSI] panel 4: "John-A-Dreams": A stupid, dreamy fellow,
always in a brown study [absence of mind; apparent thought but real
vacuity] and half sleep. [from "The Wordsworth Dictionary of Phrase
and Fable"] [MST] "Yet I, /A dull and muddy-mettled rascal, peak, /Like
John-a-dreams, unpregnant of my cause, /And can say nothing." --Shakespeare:
Hamlet, ii. [from "The Secret Teachings of All Ages" by (Manly P. Hall)]

o [page 7] [panel 1] The instructor is Mr Six, although
we don't learn that until 1.21. 6 was also the number of the Prisoner
in the TV show. [BSI] [panel 5] Molotov, Vjaceslav Michajlovic. Pseudonyms
of the Soviet politician V. M. Skrjabin (1890, Kukarka, died ). He was
one of Lenin's collaborators and editor of Pravda. [PV] Of course, a
'Molotov cocktail' was what Dane used to destroy the library. [BSI]

o [page 10] [panel 5] Stu Sutcliff was the first Beatles
bass player. John Lennon: everybody knows him. [PV] I guess Lennon and
Sutcliffe showing up here is inspired by the film "Backbeat" which was
showing a couple of months before issue 1 was released. "Backbeat" was
about the early Beatles' Hamburg stay and in particular about Sutcliffe's
fall out with them. [RL]

o [page 12] [panel 2] "Mr. Lennon!": Refers to the 1980
murder of John Lennon by Mark David Chapman, who yelled "Mr. Lennon"
before shooting him. [CE] I don't think that it was Dane saying "Mr
Lennon." I read it more of Lennon having a flash-forward to his own
assassination (hence the "car backfiring" in the next panel). The time-bending
in evidence. [CGU]

o [page 13] [panel 2] Dane's "inner demon" Jack Frost.
More on him in 1.17 [RL] panel 3: "Erdische Methode gut": not a complete
sentence, only fragments. Could translate as "Earthly method good",
"good method of/from earth." [RL] "Starker Besitscher", correct spelling
is "starker Besitzer": "strong/poweful owner." [RL] "Seelisches land"
= "psychic land", the human mind? [PV] Selischesland is not just the
Psychic land, but the Shadowland, the dark side of the Psyche...[who?]
The reverse of the moon (the home, according Jack Frost) is the dark
side of the moon, the side we will never see from the Earth. It could
symbolize the inner self, or the madness inside us. This is also another
musical quote: "The Dark Side of the Moon" is also the title of the
best-selling album by Pink Floyd.[PV] The reverse of the moon is likely
to refer to Barbelith - it says later (issue 23, page 14) that Barbelith
is "behind the moon". also, the first issue of vol 3 refers to "the
invisible star" (pg. 15), and "behind the moon"(pg. 21, sir miles dream
visitor). [Br] Dead at 22: Sutcliffe; dead at 40: Lennon. [RL]

o [page 14] [panel 1] "TDA" means "Taking and Driving
Away", sometimes called TWOCcing (Taking Without Owner's Consent), but
basically good old car theft, a major pastime of Britain's dissaffected
youth. [??]

o [page 16] [panel 2] "E": the drug Ecstasy, associated
with rave culture. [RL]

o [page 18-19] According to Morrison, these two pages
are entirely inspired by a ritual he made with the help of LSD. [PV]
The evocation of John Lennon, as stated by King Mob on page 33, follows
traditional methods of ceremonial magick. That is, one banishes from
the Temple forces contradicting the intent of the operation, and then
uses symbols to suggest the intent of the operation. There are two basic
operations in magick: invocation, which is to say identification with
a godform; and evocation. The former being summoning the entity in you,
the latter, being summoning the entity outside you. [KF]

o [page 18] [panel 1] The Beatles albums are: "Revolver,"
"Rubber Soul" and "Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band." [PV] "Pentagram's
drawn, banishings completed": This is a reference to the Lesser Banishing
Pentagram Ritual, the ritual that most students of Magick start with.
It is a fairly simple ritual, which is intended to strengthen the Body
of Light (The Astral Body) as well as preparing the Temple for the work
to come. The next stage of the operation is to use images and symbols that suggest
the godform evoked. The basic tool for this is the use of Kabbalah.
Here every god, magical weapon etc. is considered to have a relationship,
and the tree of life with its ten sephirahs and 22 paths are used as
a map. If we look at "777", a book by Crowley dealing with just these
correspondences between ideas, we get the proper picture. [KF] [panel
two] "The number 9 of Lennon": If we look at the number 9 in "777" we
find the following correspondences: Ganesa (page 540) , Jasmine (page
543), moon (542), beetle (543). The numbers are from the extract of
777 which you can find the the appendixes of Liber ABA, of Crowley.
All of these are central to the story in 1.01. Ganesh, the elephant
deity, is mentioned; jasmine is burned as incense; etc. [KF] "Revolution
9" is a song by the Beatles, with a background voice that repeats "number
9, number 9". If you play the song backward, the voice says "Turn me,
on dead man." Nine is King Mob's number, too. It's the number of his
god, Ganesh (see issue 5). [PV] "More popular than Jesus". Famous Lennon
quote: "The Beatles are now more popular than Jesus", led to the burning
of Beatles records in the American South. [RL] [panel 4] "monks chanting":
Beatles trivia: Lennon wanted to record "Tomorrow Never Knows" with
Buddhist monks chanting in the background. As this was impossible, every
Beatle had to come up with strange sound bytes (nature noise, backward
tapes) that ran in the song's background. [RL]

o [page 19] [panel 2] "Eggmen": a reference to "I am the
Walrus," from "Magical Mystery Tour." [BSI] "Let me take you down":
a reference to "Strawberry Fields Forever", also from "Magical Mystery
Tour", although originally released as a single four months prior to
"Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band." [BSI/JB] [panel 3] "Say the
word": from 'The Word', on "Rubber Soul." According to the song, the
word is Love, BTW. [BSI] "It is not dying": from "Tomorrow Never Knows,"
off of "Revolver." Grant mentions the song as possibly the most psychedelic
song ever in the lettercol of 1.08.[BSI] The first lines of "Tommorrow
Never Knows" are lifted from Timothy Leary's LSD guide..., i.e., "When
in times of stress...relax...float on down the stream..." [??] "fade
up volume on monks chanting the backward static hum of the big bang":
This is a reference to the eastern matra "AUM." It is the backward static
of the Big Bang, since the Big Bang was from Nothing (Zero) to Everything.
The symbolism of AUM is as follows: A - The beginning of Breath, birth.
U - The Prolonging of Breath. life. M - Closes the breath, death. I.e.
the breath dies out. [KF] [panel 4] "Double Fantasy" was released a
couple of days before Lennon's death (after a five-year absence from
the music biz). People were surprised that Lennon and Yoko Ono came
back with a record praising family life, best examplified by "Beautiful
Boy," a song for their son Sean Ono Lennon. [RL]

o [page 19] [panel 5] Kropotkin (Moscow 1842 - Dmitrov 1921)
was a Russian revolutionary and anarchist. After he resigned from the
Army, he dedicated himself to scientific speculations in Siberia and
Manchuria (1862-67). In 1872 he joined the International and then he
left it to become promoter of an anarchism with scientific claims. Arrested
and put in jail a lot of times, in 1917 came back in Russia. Among his
more famous works: "Paroles d'un revolt" (1885), "La conquete du pain"
(1888), "L'anarchie, sa philosophie, son idal" (1896) and "Reci revolutionera"
(1906). [PV]

o [page 23] Miss Dwyer's first appearance. [CAG] "Dwyer"
means "the dark one" in Gaelic. [HE]

o [page 24] Mr. Gelt. "Gelt" is the Hebrew word for "castration."
[PV] PV's note that "'Gelt' is the Hebrew word for 'castration'" is
slightly off (probably due to a mistake printed in the issue 2 letter
column). "Geld" in German or "gelt" in Yiddish means "money." "Geld"
in _English_ means to castrate. According to my Webster's, the two meanings
were both present in Old English, with "gelden" meaning "to pay tribute"
-- an unsettling association and also appropriate in Mr. Gelt's case.
(Webster's also lists the Greek word "gallos" meaning a eunuch-priest
in the Cybele cult, which is neat but seems like quite a stretch etymologically
speaking.) [EB] "Geilt", also sometimes spelled "gelt", is the Irish
word for "insane" or frenzied; as in Suibhne Geilt, "Sweeney the Mad",
a mythical Irish king who is driven mad by a saint as punishment for
blasphemy; Sweeney is a character in some of Yeats's poetry, and (possibly)
Eliot's as well. [HE]

o [page 26] [panel 1] The Moon XVIII. This card has a
cyclic aspect that announces some changes in the life of consultant.
Externally it means travels, commercial exchanges and circulation of
goods. Internally it means instability, restlessness and uneasiness.
[PV] I heard somewhere that the moon card in the tarot deck that Robin
uses should have beetles included in its design but the artist was unaware
of this. I cannot confirm this. [L] panel 4: "The Beetle's supposed
to stand for death and resurrection, isnt it! Trials. Initiations.":
The Moon in the Tarot pack, have a beetle crawling with the sun, through
the dark night. This is a symbol of initiation, passing through darkness
and into the light of the new morning. [KF]

o [page 27] "An apple for the teacher": Pupils who want
to suck up to their teachers traditionally bring an apple to school
for them. In this case I would guess KM is being flippant. Should we
see significance in the fact that despite saying she won't fall for
the same trap that Eve did Robin is nonetheless eating the apple at
the end of the page? [L] Apples have significance to the Beatles. Their
record label was called Apple, and they set up a number of companies
under this banner, filled with drop-outs and freaks. They lost a lot
of money, but boy, did it look fun!" [JBU] The apple, in addition to
being the Beatles' company, could refer to the apple from the Garden
of Eden [which comes from the Tree of Knowledge]. Also, a possible nod
to the Discordians, and the Golden Apple of Eris. This would also be
an indirect nod to the "Illuminatus" trilogy by Robert Anton Wilson.
[BSI] For more apples, see also 1.6, pages 6, 14-15; and 1.13, page
20, panels 7-9. [JB] When he started writing Invisibles, Grant intended
for Ragged Robin to be Crazy Jane from Doom Patrol. After about a year
he decided that this did not fit in with the story so started to reorient
the character in preparation to reveal her past in 2.06. At the moment
we have the 'Ragged Robin is really Crazy Jane' version. (Source: SFX
Magazine, Issue 21). [L] [panel 2] "Ragged Robin": A wildflower (Lychnis
floscuculi), from the ragged appearance of its fringed petals. The word
is used by Tennyson for a pretty damsel in ragged clothes. "The prince/Hath
picked a ragged robin from the hedge" --Tennyson, Idylls of the King
(The Marriage of Geraint) [From "The Wordsworth Dictionary of Phrase
and Fable" by Brewer] [MST] What is Boy doing in New York? Fanny is
apparently at the Academy. This is probably a reference to the Invisible
Academy that we see in 1.21 and 2.6. [L] panel 4: When King Mob announces
that he always wanted to grow up living in a 60's spy series, he's surely
foreshadowing the fact that his alter ego, Gideon Stargrave, whom we
first meet in issue 17, is more or less literally living in a 60's spy
series. Considering the realtionship between Grant Morrison, King Mob
and Stargrave, it may also be worth noting that Morrison's love of all
things 60's is reflected in the tastes of these heroes. K.M. says something
about the mid - 60's T.V. show 'Batman' in 'Black Science: Kickin',
referring to the set - up of the enemy base in New Mexico. Jolly Roger
informs him that the enemy must have watched the same T.V. shows he
did as a kid. [LR] '60s spy series: There's Danger Man" from the British
ITC (called Secret Agent Man in the US), starring Patrick McGoohan.
McGoohan later starred in The Prisoner ITC series [PL/JdL]. The other
major British '60s spy TV series that I'm aware of is The Avengers.
[JB] Grant did a comic book version of "The Avengers" called "Steed
and Mrs. Peel"; it was released by Eclipse in 1990. [BSI] Robin and
King Mob are talking in the place that Dane is brought to by the address
on the slip of paper at the end of issue four - it should be noted that
it's a disused school - the first place where a person is likely to
experience indoctrination during their life. The Invisibles are reversing
the usual practice within a school by inititaing Dane into rebellion
there, rather than into the tradition of submission. Hence, the play
on the fact that King Mob later gives Robin 'an apple for the teacher'
etc. It could well be important that Malcolm (alias Mr Six) chose to
work in a school - presumably he was attempting to bring about a subtle
form of rebellion in the minds of his students (notice how he's teaching
them all about revolution). In fact, I'm not certain that his 70's style
appearence here (later explained by his Mr. Six aspect) isn't meant
to be reminiscent of the 'progressive ' types of teachers who appeared
in films like 'Kes', back in the 70's. Dane was ,however, evidently
too much for him to handle - which ,considering he is, by King Mob's
admission, 'the world's greatest Invisible' may be significant - unless
,of course, Malcolm's inability to tame Dane was all part of the intended
initiation. [LR]

o [page 29] [panel four] The King of All Tears talks to
Gelt about his blindness and castration - both are metaphorical symbols
for the willing subjugation of servants of the enemy. In essence, they
can no longer 'see' the realities in the world about them clearly (contrast,
for example, Dane's discovery of his 'Third Eye' a.k.a. Barbelith in
issue 16, which demonstrates to him the brilliance of the universe around
him) - they 'blindly' obey orders issued to them from above. Equally,
they are effectively neuteured (in issue 22, there is some suggestion
that Miss Dwyer no longer possesses human sex organs), both in physical
and spiritual terms. It may be interesting in this sense that, later
in the issue, Archie gets shot in the balls, while Bobby is shot in
the eyes (see issue 12 for another perspective on this). [LR]

o [page 30] What the hell are those things shooting round
Dane's head when he wakes up ? They look like white blood cells. Go
figure. [LR]

o [page 32] There is an early episode of 'The X-Files'
which finished the first season of the programme. It's called 'The Erlenmeyer
Flask' and it featured decidedly similar scenes in which pickled aliens
(rather than souls ?) were found stored en masse in secret depositories.
Just thought I'd mention it. [LR]

o [page 35] [panel 2] "The Invisibles": a name of the
Freemasons, the Order of the Rosy Cross, and other neo-Templar groups
in London and Paris in the 1600s. So called because their influence
could be felt in religion, politics, art and the sciences, but the groups
themselves could not be seen or found out. [JH] [panel 4] It seems a
simple guy dying, but issue 12 will explain everything. [PV] Most of
the Harmony House sequence, especially this panel, is reminiscent of
Stanley Kubrick's film adaptation of Anthony Burgess's A Clockwork Orange.
[JB] The film of "A Clockwork Orange" is not actually banned in the
UK. A "banned" film implies that the government won't allow it to be
shown, and this is not the case here. On its release it was given an
X certificate (only people over 18 could see it). After a lot of media
hype about copy-cat violence and the like Stanley Kubrick asked the
distributor (Warners?) to withdraw the film and (surprisingly) they
did. It is therefore illegal to show the film as it would be a breach
of copyright, because there is no way to get the required permission
to allow it to be shown. Oddly this is actually worse than the film
being "banned", as there are legal ways to show a "banned" (i.e. "uncertified")
film. [JdL]

o [page 36] [panel 3] If Grant is following in the tradition
of eyes being "windows to the soul," this is why we hardly ever see
the bad guys' eyes. Although in 1.19, Miss Dwyer takes off her glasses
and appears to have no eyeballs in her sockets. [L] [panel 5] "Goodbye,
Mr. Chips" is a "a bestselling short novel by James Hilton [who also
wrote "Shangri-La," which is about "the mythical land of eternal youth
and safety from war, supposedly situatied somewhere in the interior
of Tibet"] that deals sentimentally with the life of an English schoolmaster."
[Benet's] A famous film was made of it, as well. Film details, anyone?
[JB]. The "Mr. Chips" line also appears in R.A. Wilson's "The Golden
Apple" [Part 2 of the "Illuminatus!" trilogy]. [mr.friday]
just come at the right time. We're having a bit of a party. D'you like...
you know what?"


That's my advice. When you've finished reading THE INVISIBLES #1, tear
it up, burn it, feed it to your lizards, lock it in the tank of a stolen
car and push it off a bridge. You'll feel good, believe me. It's only
a comic, after all. Do you really need more of these things cluttering
up your life? Do you really need to be chained to a mountainous dead
weight of paper? There'll be another one next month anyway, and chances
are your memories of this comic will be much better than the real thing.

So go on. Do it. And when you've done it, go do the rest of your comics.
Death to "speculators"!


As usual, with no letters to fill the first-issue text pages it's up
to me to ramble on a bit, provide some background material on the creation
of the item you now hold in your hands and introduce the creative team.
Ever conscious of the writer's duty to project at least the illusion
of glamour and sophistication, I'm making these notes on the Boulevard
Pomare, downtown Papeete, trade winds rattling the palm leaves, a fresh
spray of warm rain, white surf on green water, clouds blurring the jagged
volcanic outlines of the island of Moorea off in the background.

Slow Sunday in paradise. Drinking espresso with the left hand, screwdrivers
with the right, in an effort to disconnect the hemispheres of my brain.
The vodka and orange don't seem to be mixing very well. Tastes funny
and smells like something shit in my glass.

Only thing to do, I suppose, is keep on drinking until I lose my sense
of smell altogether. The best thing about writing is that it can be
done anywhere and anywhere is, of course, my favorite place.

Since finishing up DOOM PATROL in '92, I've spent much of the time travelling
and recharging my batteries with new sights, new sounds, new gastric
upsets. (And now it's really raining, coming down in heavy drifting
veils, drops as big as raisins spattering on the wooden rails. Ten minutes
later the clouds have passed and here's the sun. Ionized air smelling
of baked dust, saturated with oxygen. Drenched and refreshed, the foliage
is a vivid surging green now and big yachts bask in the harbor, just
waiting to be infiltrated by James Bond.)

These travels in what's generally recognized as the "real" world, were
balanced and enriched by extensive... um, Internal voyaging, designed
to engender what Rimbaud so aptly dubbed "the systematic derangement
of the senses."

During this period, I was also, to be brutally frank, shattered by the
response to DOOM PATROL, which I loved as a parent loves a gifted and
misunderstood child, but which was either relentlessly panned by critics
or completely ignored. So, I felt I needed time away from comics, time
to recover and to rethink my approach to work I emerged from this alchemic
crucible with several little black notebooks worth of ideas--the forthcoming
FLEX MENTALLO, for instance, and also THE INVISIBLES, which you've got
right here.

Freewheeling madly across the globe in states of howling delirium may
be highly instructive in a number of ways, but I found that I missed
the simple discipline of writing a monthly book and the buzz of readers'
feedback. Which brings us right to where we are now.
INVISIBLES is what I'm going to be concentrating on for the foreseeable
future, and I think I've at last found a concept wide-ranging enough
to accommodate all the ideas I've had which would otherwise be spread
through a succession of one-shot books and specials.

Although we have a core group of characters, anyone can belong to or
oppose the Invisibles, giving me the opportunity to tell stories ranging
across time and genre, stories that will eventually come together and
be revealed as one large-scale, shimmeringly holographic tapestry.

Generally, the longer stories will feature the activities of our five
principal players, while one shots will explore the lives of various
ordinary and extraordinary folk drawn into a web of conspiracy that
extends from the back streets of your home town to the dark blue-green
planet circling Alpha Centauri and beyond, out past the horizon of the
spacetime supersphere itself.

This is the comic I've wanted to write all my life--a comic about everything:
action, philosophy, paranoia, sex, magic, biography, travel, drugs,
religion, UFOs... you can make your own list. And when it reaches its
conclusion, somewhere down the line, I promise to reveal who runs the
world, why our lives are the way they are and exactly what happens to
us when we die. In the meantime, send us your comments, your dreams,
your recipes, your love letters, crank mail, whatever. I'll read 'em
all and answer as many as I can here in "Invisible Ink."


I have a dream: Somewhere out there, fourteen-year-old kids are beginning
to look around, beginning to get angry and strange and wild. Soon they'll
be cutting their hair with blunt scalpels, taking drugs that haven't
been synthesized yet, making music that will terrify everyone over twenty-one.
I have a dream. And I'd like to be the first to salute les enfants du


GRANT MORRISON is five feet eleven inches tall and has dark brown hair
and hazel eyes. His favorite color is turquoise. His favorite foods
are chocolate, salt and vinegar crisps, salads and spicy foreign muck.
He has an appendectomy scar. His mum is called Agnes, his dad is called
Walter and his sister is called Leigh. His favorite animal is a cat
and his favorite girl is called Magdalene. He is single, heterosexual
(with possible latent homosexual tendencies), and is currently quite
wealthy. His work has been described as "gibberish." That's all there
is to him.

STEVE YEOWELL is one of the world's greatest comics artists and a close
personal friend of the author. He's in love with the modern world and
lives with his girlfriend Jill in a neon-hazed, strobelit world of endless
parties. Other than that, there's not much to say about Steve.

RIAN HUGHES, first-issue cover artist and designer of THE INVISIBLES,
is the sort of well-mannered, typically British young man you'd confidently
entrust with your teenage daughter's virtue, but you'd be wrong, Professor!
Dead wrong. For Rian is sex mad! He is a sex maniac! This Don Juan worships
sex in all its forms. The priapic appetites of this Casanova, this leering
Lothario, would exhaust even the most enthusiastic of Tantric love godesses.
No man's daughter is safe with Romeo Rian Hughes. Heed the warning!

NEXT MONTH: Dane McGowan, lost and homeless in London, encounters Mad
Tom O' Bedlam and takes a mind-wrenching peek under the skin of the
world we know. PLUS Your Humble Narrator and, like, droog returns with
more pointless travellers' tales designed to fill up the space before
the letters come in. "Invisible Ink"- the place to meet new people!

Grant Morrison Tahiti, March '94