
o [pages 1-2] These two pages are key. Fanny's
explication of Mayan mythology is important in three ways: it
explains her background, Mayan mythology, and how Mayan mythology
ties in/coincides with McKenna's theories. [JB] [page one] The
caterpillar's devouring the leaf is an image that will be used by
Elfayed in 1.17, page 9. [JB] [page two] [panel two] "Do you feel
as though time's speeding up, darling? I mean ACTUALLY getting
faster." Fanny's question echoes through the series: 1.8, pages
4-5 [John the Baptist's head] and page 17, panel 2. [JB] [page 2]
[panel 3] King Mob's speech is a description of the structure of
Terence McKenna's fractal Timewave temporal resonance theory.
[JH] [page 2] [panel 4] "It's a dirty job, but someone's got to
do it." King Mob is referring to the tantric sex ritual he
has/will perform with Edith. [RM]

o [page 5] [panels 2 & 4] This statue is the Cristo
Redentor ("Christ the Redeemer"), located in Brazil. [RD] panel
3: The books on the shelf: "Gone ..." is probably "Gone with the
wind." [PV] "Bar..." = "Barbra Streisand" (see page 6) or
"Barbara Cartland". I think Barbara Cartland.[PV] FWIW, I think
Barbra Streisand. [JB] "Teddy B..."= "Teddy Boys" ? [PV]

o [page 6] Note the two tickets for Barbara Streisand
concerts on the wall. [PV]

o [page 7] Brodie looks like actor Lewis Collins who
played William Bodie in the British late-70s/early-80s TV series,
"The Professionals." Also his dialogue is very reminiscent of
Bodie's. In the series Bodie (who had a very tough and macho
attitude) and his partner Doyle were "top operatives for the
government department CI5 -Criminal Intelligence 5, a Home Office
department set up to deal with terrorism in all forms" (quoted
from the web page "PRIMETIME ACTION - by James Pimentel-Pinto").
Their boss was George Cowley, the controller of CI5. The fast
paced action series was very succesful in Europe. Division X of
1.25 looks like a cross between The Professionals and the
X-Files. [RL] panel 3: Jack/Dane appears, on the run away from
the Invisibles. This scene also appears in 1.16, page 2. [PV/JB]
[panel 5] "Oneiric energy"? Webster's says "Oneiric" = "having to
do with dreams." [JB] "Dream catchers" are those circles of
string, supposedly handcrafted by Native Americans, which people
often hang from their rear view mirrors like New Age fuzzy dice.
Brodie and Sir Miles' exchange suggests that they really work!

o [page 8] [panel 1] "They'd lock you up for that now: a cat
called Darkie." It's not really a reference, but: H.P.
Lovecraft's cat was called "Niggerman." [RM] [panel 2] A mention
about "reopening" Division X. [PV]

[page 9] [panel 6] Fanny is interacting with what seems to be
the "molten imagination" used by Jim Crow in 1.10. [PV/JB] More
of the hallucinogenic blue fluid common in tryptamine visions, as
practiced by South American shamans and bruja in yage rituals.

o [page 10] This page is drawn in the "exaggerted
anatomy/pin-up" style of Rob Liefield. [PV/JB] Grant said the
borrowing of various styles was borrowed from the movie 'Natural
Born Killers' in the lettercol of issue 1.17 [BSI]

o [pages 11&20] These pages are drawn in the style of
Dave Gibbons' work on "Watchmen," using a nine-panel grid.
[PV/JB] page 11, panel 2Second mention of Edith's psychic "link"
with Tom; first was in 1.1, page 6, panel 4. [JB/BSI] [page 11]
[panel 3] "that awful building": Canary Wharf. And ol' Edie is
smoking marijuana ["skunk"], a "cure for arthritis." [JB] [page
11] [panel 7] Another mention of the mysterious "loss" of
John-a-Dreams from KM's cell; see1.9, [page 7] [panels 1-3] [JB]
Can someone please ID the picture hanging on the wall? [JB]

o [pages 12-15] These pages--and 18,19, 21 and 22
too--are drawn in the naturalistic, thick-lined syle of Gilbert
Hernandez's "Love & Rockets" work set in the magic
realism/Central America world of his "Heartbreak Soup" serial.
[JB] [panel 4] Drawn and narrated in the "Ripley's Believe It or
Not" style, as per the lettercol of 1.17 [BSI]

o [pages 14] [panel 1] Fanny mentions that hir mother was 'stabbed at Mardi-Gras by some drunk wearing a papier-mache dog's
head. Of the group who later rape and damn near kill Fanny (when she's a prostitute, before meeting
John-A-Dreams), one is wearing a papier-mache dog mask (V.1 #15, page 15, panel 4). This is the same group
that's got Quimper chained to the wall behind them (he's there in V.1 #15 right behind the 'cat', just
crudely drawn, he's more apparent in the redrawing of the sequence in V.1 #25). [Jack Frost]

o [pages 16-17] These pages are drawn using Frank
Miller's "Sin City" style. [PV] [page 17] [panel 2] Vivienne
Westwood is a famous English fashion stylist. Heaven is a
discotheque in London. [PV] [page 17] [panel 3] the movie is "The
Elephant Man" by David Lynch. [PV]

o [page 18] The tea is probably ayahuasca, also called
yage, a mixture of DMT (dimethyltryptamine) and harmaline. Yage
and salvia divinorum (a super-psychedelic plant native to Mexico)
both commonly generate insectoid/alien visions, along with
puddles of liquid intelligence as manifest in blue, silver or
violet fluid. [JH] [panel 2] All images that we know and love or
will soon: The Greys again...Brodie's cat...the hands and legs at
the top right look like Babies limbs so that's possibly a
reference to Hilde's birth/initiation as a sorceress. Not sure
about the cockroach with a cloak (Orlando?) and as for what looks
like corn on the cob lying on a couch, I've NO idea! [Loz] [panel
4] The red light again. [PV]

o [page 19] [panel 5] "naguel" = totem protector [PV]

o [page 20] [panels 7-9] An apple, again. See 1.01, page
27; 1.06, p. 6, 14-15. [JB] [panel 9] "You must brave the jaws of
the dragon, dear. Each of you in turn I shouldn't wonder." A fair
enough synopsis of issues 1.13-1.24. [RM]

o [page 23] [panel 4] Note the reflection of
Mictlantecuhtl in the mirror. [BSI]

o [page 24] This member of Division X is probably Mr. Six.