[Satanstorm Four: Digging Up Beryl]

o [page 4] [panel 5] Maybe Miles is referring to the time
Jack replaced his aura, in 1.24. [Goofy]
o [page 10] [panel 1] The Panatella is of the best Havana
collection cigars. But it is also one of the Islands of Lesbos.
[EV] [panel 5] Sir Miles is "remembering" and reliving his
meeting with Beryl (Queen Mab) and her death. The rexperiencing
part is important as it explains why he views himself as old
instead of bohemian Miles. [L]

o [page 11] [panel 1] Beryl Wyndham is standing in front
of Picasso's Guernica, barely recognizable because its characters
and events have been represented in a naturalistic style.
Apparently, Ms. Wyndham and Sir Miles can see through the
painter's convoluted cubism and understand the "real" content of
the work. [ME]

o [page 12] [panel 3] The TOAD is an interesting symbolic
figures of the "mushrooms mistical experience", which is common
in many cultures (especially in the Mexican one); in fact when
the animal is irritated it produces a toxic substance, the
"butoferina", that if it's swallowed it could provoque
hallucinations. In english popular tradition the mushroom was
called "toad stool", but also in witches tradition it was very
popular because, as you all know, they use the toad's tail in
their magical potion. [EV]

o [page 14] [panel 1] The book that Jolly Roger is
reading is by David Icke, who used to be a footballer and a
football commentator in the UK before he represented the Green
Party and then declared himself the second coming of Christ.
Generally considered a bit of a freak in the UK. [TEC] For more
info on David Icke, go and see his own website:

o [page 20] [panel 1] For more on David Icke see the
annotation for page 14, panel 1. [TEC] [panel 4] "Beryl Wyndham,
Thou Art Avenged" is a paraphrase of "Jacques de Molay, thou art
avanged", supposedly said at the execution of Louis XVI of
Framce. Jacques de Molay was the leader of the Templars when they
were destroyed in France. [JL]

o [page 21] [panel 5] "You are in the Village" is a
reference to the 60s TV show 'The Prisoner'. Patrick McGooan was
the secret agent (Quite possibly the one he played in Dangerman
but this is never confirmed) is abducted and wakes up to find out
he is in a village(The stylistically intruiging Port Merion in
Wales) where he is only Number 6 (His identity being taken) and
the premise of the show is that at this village several ways are
employed to try and twist his reality so that he reveals the
secrets he knows / he will work for those that have abducted him.
There are many plot lines which are easily Invisibles standard in
terms of how people perceive things. Key quote, "I am not a
number, I am a man" [IL]

o [page 22] [panel 1] The face in the television is
Parapa the Rappa, from a stylish Japanese Playstation game where
you must use the controller to rap on rhythm to gain points.
[Nicodemas] [panel 2] A "knees up" simply refers to some form of
party, although in this context it might have rather more sexual
connotations. [TEC]
