
Grant said in this
issue's letter column that his sources for this story are: "Divine Horsement"
by Maya Deren; "Voodoo and Hoodoo" by Jim Haskins; ""Mama Lola" by Karen
McCarthy Brown; and "The Voudoun Gnostic Workbook" by Michel Bertiaux.
Note on Jim Crow's name: "Jim Crow" was originally a derogatory term
for blacks, it has come to describe the situation of segregation that
existed in the U.S. South after the Civil War ended slavery but before
the Civil Rights movement. [RM] The voodoo gods are commonly referred
to as Les Invisibles. [RL]

o [page 2] panel 2: "Twilight Zone" and "Outer Limits" are two
'50s/'60s American TV anthology fiction shows known for their overarching
weirdness. [PV/JB]

o [page 3] panel 1: "Les morts, les mysteres, les Marassa": French
for "the dead, the occult arts and the ???" [PV] The "Marassa" are the
Divine Twins of the Vodoun pantheon. Twins have a great deal of religio/magical
significance in West African religions (most if not all African elements
in Vodoun come from West Africa). [HE] panel 3: "Water-woman": Lamerci's
referring to her element. [PV] "Water-woman" is also a reference to
La Sirenne, the mermaid form of Erzulie, the capricious Loa of feminine
beauty and sexuality. [HE] "Mambo": the name of the priestess in Voodoo.
Sometimes the spirit gods "ride" [possess] the mambo. [PV] "Papa Guedhe"/"Baron
Samedi": names of the Voodoo god of the dead. [PV] Guedhe is also the
loa of sexuality and wild partying. He's sort of the Vodoun Dionysios.
[HE] panel 4: Jimi Hendrix: famous left-handed guitar player. [PV] panel
5: "bel garcon" = handsome fellow (French). [PV] An alternative translation
might be "pretty boy." [JBU] This is a translation of a Vodoun song
about Papa Guedhe, which has parallels to a real event in Haitian history-
during one of the more recent dictatorships, a host of Vodoun priests,
all "ridden" by Guedhe and dressed to the nines, descended on the presidential
palace in Port-au-Prince and caused much genial havoc. [HE]

o [page 4] On the tombstone you can see the penciller's name
(Christopher Weston). [PV] Let's not forget that the Ace of Spades (in
Jim's hatband) is associated with death. Also, the skull on the crotch
of JC's pants is symbolically important, since he says in v1.23 that
his gun turns sexual thoughts into death. Is there any significance
to the time on his clock? The hands stay at basically the same positions,
far as I can tell...[RD]

o [page 5] panel 2: The "ouija bird": Morrison used something
similar in his graphic novel, Mystery Play. [PV]

o [page 7] panel 2: "magickal record": Mages often keep journals
reporting all of their magickal operations. [PV] panel 4: Many of the
words in this invocation are in "langage", a garbled mix of several
West African languages, used by Vodoun initiates for magical purposes.
"ti malice" = Little Troublemaker is one of the many titles of Papa
G., so probably much of the rest of it is, too. And I'm pretty sure
that "zozo" means "penis". [HE]

o [page 8] panel 1: "Season of ghouls"? "October meadows"? [PV]
The blue puddle is a type of fluid intelligence often encountered during
trips on tryptamine hallucinogens such as ayahuasca or DMT. The blue
puddles are used by tribal shamans to view the spirit world of the dead
or to divine the future. Try dimethyltryptamine, or read The Yage Letters
by William Burroughs, or True Hallucinations by Terence McKenna. [JH]

o [page 9] panel 6: "Let's go walk with a zombie.": "I Walked
With a Zombie" is a famous song--covered by REM, among others--by notorious
acid casualty Roky Erickson of the '60s Texan psychedelic band 13th
Floor Elevators. [CG/JB] "I Walked With a Zombie" is also a movie by
Jacques Tournier, of "Cat People" fame. [RD] It's probably one of the
earliest films using zombies. [RL]

o [page 10] panel 1: "Ville-aux-camps" = The City of Camps. Called
"Lavilokan" in Haitian Creole, this is the otherworld of the Loa and
the Dead, which supposedly lies under the sea. [HE] On the interstate
highway sign is the fish-symbol of the the Nommo, the Dogon/Sumerian
amphibious gods from the star Sirius. See The Sirius Mystery by Robert
Temple for an incredibly in-depth study of the Nommo and their apparent
impact on early human culture. [JH] panel 4: Magic mirror ??? See also
issues 13-14 and 24 [PV] panel 5: "Molten imagination, the bricks and
mortar of the universe, endlessly morphing, infinitely pliable. Liquid-looking
glass. The door to Everywhere." This "liquid" will appear again and
again in the rest of the series... See 1.13, page 9. [JB]

o [page 12] [panel 2] "stag thing": Refers to "stag parties":
males-only gatherings, usually for viewing of porn films, etc. [JB]

o [page 13] [panel 1] "Our scientists ... found a way to design
the crystals so that they would resonate at a given frequency." See
Terence and Dennis McKenna's 1971 attempts to use electron spin resonance
frequencies to permanently bond psychedelic molecules with the human
genetic code in their book The Invisible Landscape. Also, the CIA has
done research with the molecular frequencies of various substances to
test their effects on the human nervous system. LSD has a resonant frequency
of 11,000 cps (cycles per second) and when the brain is exposed to that
frequency hallucinations and other bizarre phenomena are reported. The
experiencer has a psychedelic trip from the chemical frequency, without
requiring the actual chemical. [JH]

o [page 14] [panels 1-2] Jim Crow is singing a rude Guedhe song,
this one having to do with Papa G's interest in both the "holes" that
pretty women have. [HE] [panel 4] "Good UFOs" and "bad UFOs"? Could
UFOs be metaphorical manifestations of good and evil emotions? [PV]

o [page 17] [panel 2] King Mob owes Baron Zaraguin...[JB]

o [page 20] [panel 1] "Bring out your dead!": A quote from the
film "Monty Python and the Holy Grail." [BSI] The Monty Python quote
is a reference to the rag&bone men who used to go around streets with
a barrow collecting unwanted stuff from houses, and to the Plague (which
is something of an anachronism by approximately 1000 years if King Arthur
was around c.600.) [AD]

o [page 22] [panel 5] Crow quotes the opening line of Michael
Jackson's song "Bad." [RL]

o [page 24] "Straight outta Camptown!" is a play on L.A. gangsta
rap group N.W.A's hit album "Straight Outta Compton." [JB] "Camptown
Races" was, I believe, a staple of minstrel shows. Can anybody verify?
[BSI] Indeed it is. Although the song title might be "Camptown Ladies":
"Camptown ladies sing this song, doo dah, Camptown racetrack five miles
long..." [RM]