
The story arc's title
is a play on "Anarchy in the UK," the Sex Pistols' tune. The second
law of thermodynamics, explained on page 1, panel 4 is the basic definition
of entropy. [CE] Also, one of Moorcock's Jerry Cornelius books is called
"Entropy Tango." [RL] Note: Check out Bard Sinister's notes on Gideon
Stargrave's first appearance in "Near Myths."

o [page 1] [panel 1] "Post-Syd" refers to Syd Barrett, a member
of Pink Floyd who left, and became something of a recluse, turning his
back on celebrity. [JBU] panel 2: "Hope I Die Before I Get Old": from
My Generation, by The Who. [BSI] I have no idea what a "Dux" is in this
sense, nor if Evelyn Cruikshank is a 'real' person. [JBU] panel 3: "Wizard
Prang, old bean!": "Prang" is WW2 fighter pilot slang for "crash." "Wizard"
is slang for "ace" or "brilliant." [L] panel 4: Mr. Fish is (or was)
a real boutique, according to Grant in the Lettercol for 1.20 [BSI]
I have no idea Shelly's shoes is a real shop. BTW, Marks and Spencers
was still selling Paisley underwear in the '80s? Who was buying it ???

o [page 3] [panel 1] The chapter headings and short chapters
are another nice reminder of Michael Moorcock's Jerry Cornelius books.
[JBU] panel 4: This seems to be another appearance of Barbelith. [JBU]
"...sets the controls for the heart of the sun.": "Set the Controls
for the Heart of the Sun" is a song on the 1968 (Syd-Barrett era) Pink
Floyd album, "Saucerful of Secrets." [JB] ** This song is, apparently,
based on a Mike Moorcock book, probably called the Fireclown (although
it was renamed in the US/UK) [MSW]

o [page 5] [panel 3] Krousher's "Physical Interrogation Techniques"
is a real book: ISBN 0-915179-23-7. [CE]

o [page 7] [panel 1] Biggles was a character in a series of books
for children by Captain WE Johns who was a fighter pilot. [JBU] The
change in styles of chapter titles is another nod to the Cornelius Chronicles.
[BSI] [panel 2] "Baby's in Black" is on the Beatles album "Beatles for
Sale." [CE]

o [page 8] [panel 6] I guess the atom bomb is exploding in the
alternative London, destroying the hive. [JBU]

o [page 9] [panel 2] Elfayed is another of KM's instructors from
the monastery (cf. 1.19, page 8). [JBU] [panel 3] Of course, we've already
seen a caterpillar devour a leaf and then metamorphose into a butterfly
in 1.13, page 1. [JB] "As above, so below" is also a transmission from
Barbelith to Dane in 1.21, page 23, panel 5. [JB] [panels 3-4] Elfayed's
ideas on things repeating themselves on all scales is an idea echoed
in much of modern science, particularly since the invention of chaos
mathematics and the idea of self similarity. In addition, "as above,
so below" is a major mystical tenet. [JBU] It's from Hermes Trismegistus'
teachings. Here is a translation of The Emerald Tablet from whence this
text came: "The Emerald Tablet Truly, without Deceit, certainly and
absolutelyÑ That which is Below corresponds to that which is Above,
and that which is Above corresponds to that which is Below, in the accomplishment
of the Miracle of One Thing. And just as all things have come from One,
through the Mediation of One, so all things follow from this One Thing
in the same way. Its Father is the Sun. Its Mother is the Moon. The
Wind has carried it in his Belly. Its Nourishment is the Earth. It is
the Father of every completed Thing in the whole World. Its Strength
is intact if it is turned towards the Earth. Separate the Earth by Fire:
the fine from the gross, gently, and with great skill. It rises from
Earth to Heaven, and then it descends again to the Earth, and receives
Power from Above and from Below. Thus you will have the Glory of the
whole World. All Obscurity will be clear to you. This is the strong
Power of all Power because it overcomes everything fine and penetrates
everything solid. In this way was the World created. From this there
will be amazing Applications, because this is the Pattern. Therefore
am I called Thrice Greatest Hermes, having the three parts of the Wisdom
of the whole World. Herein have I completely explained the Operation
of the Sun." [??]

o [page 10] [panel 5] Fanny and King Mob seem to have an organized
routine for capture, based upon their real-life cover. Hopefully we'll
see more of this; Boy is an ex-cop, Dane a runaway criminal and Ragged
Robin is actually a time traveler. So how would these three deal with
such an interrogation, considering they will have little in the way
of cover? [JBU] [panel 6] It is at this point Fanny steals Sir Miles'
handkerchief. [JBU]

o [page 12] [panel 3] Jerry Cornelius, acknowledged as the inspiration
for Gideon Stargrave, was one aspect of the eternal champion, who was
used to tie all of Michael Moorcock's books into a single universe.
As an aside, apparently Michael Moorcock sued Grant Morrison for plagiarism;
anyone have more details? [JBU] Jerry Cornelius, like Gideon Stargrave,
continually jumped between identities and realities. Another Cornelius-
Invisibles correlation: both series deal heavily with the Harlequinade,
although I haven't been able to find any direct connection between the
two series versions (yet). As far as the lawsuit goes, I have no idea.
[BSI] In the latest issue of Michael Moorcock's Multiverse comic from
Helix (issue 10), the lettercol has a paragraph on the influence of
the Cornelius stories on comics and names Hellblazer and Transmetropolitan
as examples, as well as naming Alan Moore, Neil Gaiman, and Warren Ellis
as examples of comics writers influenced by these stories. The fact
that Grant and Invisibles are so conspicuously not mentioned, when the
Gideon Stargrave stories, and really a lot of the regular Invisibles
storyline (the Harlequinade, chaos vs. control, pop music/culture references,
etc.) are actually much more strongly influenced by the Cornelius stuff,
suggests to me that there really might be a lawsuit, or at least Moorcock
is not happy with the homage. By the way, Jerry Cornelius and the Harliquinade
are both in the Multiverse comic. [CH] "Occam's razor" is a philosophical
rule invented by a medieval monk, which states that you should not multiply
entities beyond necessity (or, the simplest explanation is probably
the correct one). It is arguable that he was a major influence on Western
philosophy. [JBU/JB] William of Occam (c.1285-1349) was an English philosopher
and exponent of Scholasticism. According to, "Occam
is remembered for his use of the principle of parsimony, formulated
as Occam's razor, which enjoined economy in explanation with the axiom
'It is vain to do with more what can be done with less.'" [CVU] [panel
5] Another link to KM's deal with the scorpion Loa, which was mentioned
first in 1.10. Scorpions seem to hold a special relevance to KM's life.
Perhaps because Morrison is a scorpion? (he was born in January) You
can see the similarities between KM and GM. [JBU] If Morrison were a
"scorpion", assuming you mean scorpio, he'd have to be born between
October 24-November 22. January births fall under Capricorn and Aquarius...
according to Mark Millar in 1.22's lettercol, "Gideon Stargrave is Grant
Morrison with a girlfriend, cool clothes and no stammer." [CE]

o [page 13] [panel 2] "The direction that cannot be pointed at"
seems reminiscent of the weird non-Euclidean geometry which Lovecraft
refused to describe in his books. Maybe there is a similar origin for
the Archons (see 2.06 for more info) [JBU]

o [page 14] Does anyone else think the benign tumor story is
familiar? I could've sworn that I had heard it as "Casper, the Friendly
Growth" somewhere. Any other attributions? [CE] panel 3: Ragged Robin's
jacket has a number 6 on the lapel- is this another Prisoner reference?
[JBU] I certainly read the 6 as a Prisoner reference. [BSI] Robin is
reading a copy of "Time Out," which is a magazine which tells literally
everything which is happening in the greater London area during the
week, from clubs to movies to concerts to theater and so on. If you
look on the cover of the magazine, it reads "Which side are you on?"

o [page 15] [panel 4] "and I go see a band." The band would be
Root Doctaz - Robin is going to contact Jim Crow. [RM] page 5: "Deja
Vu"? What does this refer to? It seems to foreshadow something that
has yet to happen, possibly an event when KM visits the future, and
Robin is 15. [JBU] In 1.23 page 20 panel 4, Robin cradles KM's head
in her lap and says, "That's so weird, I've done this before." Not the
source of her deja vu, but connected no doubt. [CE]

o [page 16] This is the second Division X recruitment. One more
to go... [JBU]

o [page 17] [panel 4] In his book (novel?) Chariot of the Gods,
Erich von Daniken discusses mummification, suggesting links to the aliens
which landed on earth in our pre-history. It's a seriously weird book,
and raises some interesting questions. The main problem people had was
when von Daniken began to answer them. [JBU]

o [page 19] first caption: "Ultra-violence" comes from Anthony
Burgess' "A Clockwork Orange," a book about a group of rebel teenagers
who don't give a damn about authority. See also 1.01, page 35, panel
4 annotation. [CG/JB] panel 1: The events in this reality seem to echo
the plots mentioned in "Royal Monsters" (1.11), where the English throne
is to be given to an 'alien'. [JBU] Gideon's pose here is nearly identical
to young Gideon's pose on p.22 [CE] panel 2: left to right: Ronald Reagan,
airplane schematics, the Invisible College?, Margaret Thatcher, a sports
utility vehicle, the planet earth, and Duran Duran's album "Decade."
[CE] "The ballad of John and Yoko ends with murder" refers both to the
Beatles song "The Ballad of John and Yoko" and the 1980 murder of John
Lennon by Mark David Chapman, who yelled "Mr. Lennon" before shooting
him. Dane yells "Mr Lennon" in 1.1 page 12 panel 2, right in the middle
of Stu and John having a discussion about life and death. [CE] panel
3: "Thatcher wants to have (Prince) Charles burned in a wicker man this
summer. She reckons it'll bring down inflation." In many variants of
magickal and Satanic practice, a wicker man is used as a focus point
for ritual energies. The wicker man becomes a conduit through which
a minor action can ripple outward and affect the entire planet. Various
satanic serial killers in the US in the 1970s used the motif of the
wicker man to channel their murders into world-changing events, in an
attempt to forge a satanic kingdom on Earth. See the book Secret Societies
and Psychological Warfare by Michael Hoffman III. [JH] The Wicker Man
dates form approx. 3rd Century BC. A Celtic (Druidic) ritual of burning
huge effigies of Gods. Most accounts say that these were crammed with
dozens of human sacrifices, but there is a likelihood that some were
not. There is an excellent (Hammer?) film called The Wicker Man starring
Christopher Lee and Edward Woodward where a modern day village has continued
the ritual (1973). See The Original 'Wicker Man' Home Page. There is
also a story by Clive Barker called In The Hills, The Cities (I think)
in the Books of Blood which describes the building of a two similar
giants. [AD] panel 4: Incest is yet another Jerry Cornelius correlation.
[BSI] panel 5: Among the guitar bands listed are "The Mixers", Grant
Morrison's own band; and "The 5", KM's band (1.19, page 3, panel 1).

o [page 20] [panel 1] "I'm cutting me own throat here." Cut-me-own-throat
Dibbler is the shadiest wheeler-dealer in Ankh-Morpork, in Terry Pratchett's
Discworld books. [L]

o [page 21] [panels 1-3] The dialogue is directly quoted from
the normal opening credits of The Prisoner. Also, the white circle of
Rover is echoed several times on the next 3 pages: pg 22, panels 2&3,
pg23, panel 3, and the last panel of pg. 24. Is this supposed to evoke
some sort of 'anti-barbelith', one used by the enemy? [BSI] Not just
the dialogue is quoted from The Prisoner. King Mob is dressed as the
Prisoner running on the beach (a scene in the opening credits) and Sir
Miles is dressed as the Prisoner's nemesis Number Two. He even seems
to be sitting in Number Two's "space age" spherical chair. [RM] panel
4: We have yet to meet Dr. Cohen properly, but the time machine does
appear to be the one used in the "Arcadia" [1.05-1.08] arc. Is this
an alternate reality or not? [JBU]

o [page 23] [panel 1] Room 101 is a reference to the ultimate
torture room in George Orwell's "1984." [JBU/JB]