

o Grant Morrison (Writer)
o Chris Weston (Penciller)
o Ray Kryssing (Inker)
o Daniel Vozzo (Colors & Seps)
o Todd Klein (Letterer)
o Shelly Roeberg (Editor)Special Thanks to Kristy Kryssing
The Invisibles created by Grant Morrison |

Ragged Robin is launched in the time machine, something goes
wrong and Takashi breaks it with a spanner. Then suddenly it
launches again taking Robin outside time. In flashbacks her past
comes into focus as she travels through various times. As a girl
in the future she experiences a breakdown - her parents think it
is because of her contact with Sky. One day Mason, aged 45,
rescues her from the asylum. After a brief relationship, in the
midst of the conspiracy she is sent back to the past. In another
flashback, to just prior to the 1998 launch of the time machine,
radiated time molecules are recorded from the Hand of Glory to
water and injected into her bloodstream. At around that time
(just before the return to Dulce) she has a talk with Fanny and
convinces her to take her place in the Quimper mask - it has all
been a set-up, and for a very long time. When the machine has
relaunched she experiences the Invisibles cell in the twenties
activating the Hand of Glory, and then is thrown further back -
seeing Takashi's ancestor, who makes a model of the time-suit in
Origami. Then she finds herself back in the laboratory of 2012,
an archon approaching her. In another flashback she remembers
being introduced to the rest of the cell by John A'Dreams. In the
timesuit she experiences Barbelith. With Robin gone, Jack, Boy
and Fanny turn to King Mob - it is time to talk...

o Full Cover

o Ragged Robin
o King Mob
o Jolly Roger
o Boy
o Jack Frost
o Takashi
o Lord Fanny
o The Blind Chessman
o Mason Lang
o Billy Chang
o King Mob (1)
o Queen Mab
o Lady Edith Manning
o Tom O'Bedlam
o John A'Dreams

o Barbelith
o Time & Time Travel
o Hand of Glory, The
o Plath, Sylvia
o Tarot
o Hallucinogens

The title comes from a Velvet Underground song from their first
album. Written by Lou Reed, sung by Nico. Here are the

And what costume shall the poor girl wear
To all tomorrow's parties
A hand-me-down dress from who knows where
To all tomorrow's parties
And where will she go and what shall she do
When midnight comes around
She'll turn once more to Sunday's clown
And cry behind the door
And what costume shall the poor girl wear
To all tomorrow's parties
Why silks and linens of yesterday's gowns
To all tomorrow's parties
And what will she do with Thursday's rags
When Monday comes around
She'll turn once more to Sunday's clown
And cry behind the door
And what costume shall the poor girl wear
To all tomorrow's parties
For Thursday's child is Sunday's clown
For whom none will go mourning
A blackened shroud, a hand-me-down gown
Of rags and silks, a costume
Fit for one who sits and cries
For all tomorrow's parties

o [page 1] [panel 3] There is
the planet that Dane saw in 1.04 page 15, Fanny's butterfly from
her initiation, one of the minions from the Outer Church waiting
to attack from 2.04 page 22, and possibly the Illuminatus!
pyramid. [Loz] [panel 4] Not sure about the fish but apart from
the team there's a UFO, the toadstools that Archons use to come
into the physical world, Baron Zaraguin and ol' Chess Playing
Bastard and his board. [Loz]

o [page 3] This looks like Mister Six. His role
seems to be to meet and evaluate potential recruits to the
Invisibles before notifying the group to meet and initiate them.

o [page 4] [panel 3] Robin has a traffic light
picture on the wall. The scanners outside the Invisible College
use the same grading scheme when scanning arrivals (2.06). Is it
symbolic of her pre-initiated state that it's on red? [Loz] panel
4: Is Mason using the Invisibles as a way of introducing himself
to Robin or is he seriously considering making a movie as well.
Considering how he discussed Speed in 2.01 as "Invisibles making
movies for other Invisibles," it doesn't seem impossible.

o [page 7] [panel 3] Note the black and white
pattern of the floor, just like a chessboard. [DaT]

o [page 9] [panel 5] Robin says, "Fanny! Diet!"--a
message Fanny in the future says she never recieved [issue 2.06,
page 13]. When Fanny asked for the message, she puts special
emphasis on it being a "Very. Special. Message." Is Robin
Changing the future? Seems possible since she can now move about
through time. Perhaps if you become a 4th-dimensional creature
(As the Lord of all tears, Chess Player, Barbelith and
Harliquinade are), you treat humanity as pawns in your own game,
hence the chess board imagery when the time suit is activated.
Maybe Robin is now a Player. [DaT]

o [page 14] [panel 2] The lines "A machine made of
time, its moving parts are the days of your lives." and "Your
little lives, powered by blood." are identical to the lines in
2.10 on pages 15 panel 4 and 16 panel 5, when KM and Edith are
about to anoint the Hand of Glory. [Jess]

o [page 15] Based on how the 1920s team
experienced this it could be said that Takashi has invented a
machine which turns a human into an Archon. [Loz]

o [page 20] [panel 2] "Look it up in Brewer's."
This is a reference to the 1894 reference text, The Dictionary of
Phrase and Fable, compiled by E. Cobham Brewer. The actual
definition of "Ragged Robin" is in the book and is also
referenced at the following URL:

o [page 22] [panel 3] The Lovers card is no 6 in
the Tarot deck. Six "indicates adaptability and the ability to
change in times of difficulty" whilst the card itself represents
"attracion, love, beauty, romance, harmony and trials overcome...
[I]n a relationship, this card shows that any problems will be
overcome and that old bonds are still strong. The querent should
be wary of taking things at surface value and should be aware
that situations that appear to be negative may well come good in
time." (Guide to the Tarot, Geddes and Grosset [pub]) [Loz]

o Speculation from Zenkidu: Rags to Fanny on Page 13,
Panel 4: "You told me in 2010, when *everything* turned into a
movie." Here's a thought: what if the Invisibles will give
everyone--including the enemy--exactly what they want by evolving
a (meta-)system that will allow everyone to create, and LIVE in,
their own fictional reality. Create their own stories, rather
than live in stories created by others. Since stories are all
about words, this would explain the desire of the Invisibles (a
la Cell 23) to undermine the either/or language of the Enemy by
disseminating the language of aggregates gifted to humanity by
the alien anti-bodies. It would also certainly explain Grant's
thematic emphasis on Mason's obsession with movies. Other related
thoughts: Maybe Robin (v.2008)--exploring the story of Mob and
Co. in her deep isolation tanks and possibly changing history as
she does so--is the pioneer of this leap in human consciousness.
And maybe the nano-virus that will escape/be realised on December
21, 2012, will re-configure material reality sufficient to make
it more easily amenable to co-creation with human consciousness?
Just a thought.

o Speculation from Huggybear: What Zenkidu is saying
reminds me of Morrison's final run on Doom Patrol: remember the
nanomachines the Chief had created in his think tank? their
purpose was to change the world atom by atom. i think it was the
second to last issue of grant's stint on that book where rebis
says something like "what if the nanomachines result in a better
world?" To which cliff replies "but the people ought to be able
to choose..." Which brings me to my question: if what zenkidu's
saying has merit, how should we view the results of what happens
on december 21, 2012? will people be able to freely choose to
accept the conditions brought about by the nanomachines, or will
they be forced?